Chris Gillum

Principal Software Engineering Lead - Azure Functions, Microsoft.

Chris is a Principal Software Engineering Lead working on Azure Functions and Azure App Service. He has been developing application platforms for the past 16 years and helped design and build the original serverless compute platform used by Azure Functions. More recently, Chris has been focused on finding new ways to innovate in the serverless space and is responsible for the recently released Azure Durable Functions extension.
When not coding, Chris enjoys studying Japanese, with hopes of one day becoming fluent.


Marie Hoeger

Software Engineer - Azure Functions, Microsoft

Marie is a Software Engineer for Azure Functions. She specializes in JavaScript and is responsible for the Node.js language worker in the Azure Functions runtime. She loves building intuitive tools and developing in open dialogue with the serverless community.

Tsuyoshi Ushio

Software Development Engineer - Serverless and DevOps, Microsoft

Tsuyoshi is focused on serverless and DevOps. He is an organizational change professional using Agile and DevOps concept and techniques. He’s helped various sizes of organization from start-ups to major enterprises to adopt agile principles for more than a decade. He’s now interested in Serverless that would change the world of software development. A speaker of Agile 2011 and Agile Roots 2014. A best seller book author in Japan.

Yu Yamada

BigData architect

SIerにて主に組込み系の開発に従事したのち、フリーランスとして独立。フリーランスの間に、シミュレーションシステムの開発や、大手ECサイトのメールマーケティング用分析基盤の構築を経験。2015年リクルートライフスタイルへ転職。リクルートライフスタイルの共通分析基盤を構築する傍ら、chatbotの開発や、メールマーケティングにも関わる。 ビックデータ周りの技術が好物。

Daiki Akimoto



Shoji Shirotori



Keisuke Nishitani

Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services Japan

SIerでインフラおよびアプリのエンジニアとして金融系基幹システムの開発等に従事。その後、新規事業の企画や開発を経てアマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン株式会社へ。 スペシャリストソリューションアーキテクトとしてアプリケーション開発者向けにコンテナ/DevOps/マイクロサービス/サーバーレスといった技術領域におけるエンゲージメントから技術支援をリード。

Serverlessconf Tokyo '18 Speakers

Don't miss these #serverless experts

  • Kazutomo Niwa

    CEO, Game Server Services
  • Yuki Tannai

  • Yusuke Wada

  • Takanori Suzuki

    Acroquest Technology
  • Takeshi Etoh

    Riotz Works
  • Sonu Kim

    Riotz Works
  • Kensuke Tanaka

    Riotz Works
  • Masashi Terui

    Serverworks Co., Ltd. / Willyworks
  • Nitzan Shapira

    co-founder and the CEO at Epsagon
  • Keiichi Nakayama

  • Tomomichi Noguchi

    Nikkei Inc.
  • Masahiro Nakayama

    WHERE, Inc.